Victoria 2 historical flavor mod
Victoria 2 historical flavor mod

victoria 2 historical flavor mod

The down side of this is that as they capture provinces they hand a Great Power a Casus Bellum on China.

victoria 2 historical flavor mod

They don’t want to remember all those who died to keep China British. If they, win they will enforce China’s removal from a sphere of influence. They are not just content to ensure that China is ruled by an Emperor with the mandate from heaven as they win provinces they seek to remove European influences, things like those nasty Europeans encouraging the use of opium for example. These guys are also not your standard reactionary rebels. Unlike standard reactionary rebels, these guys will not settle for anything less than an absolute monarchy lead by Don Carlos (or right thinking heir thereof).Ĭhina gets the Boxer rebels and a decision to encourage them. We decided to add two country specific rebel types into the game. Not content with events and decisions, the power of the game engine allows us to do other cool things. Although there will always be things we missed and there could always have been more, we felt that each event we added helped bring the game more alive. We then added more decisions and events to countries from an event for Great Britain about the first FA cup final to a decision for Lippe-Detmold on who to support during the Lippe succession dispute. The effects may be quite small, but they helped establish some narrative for the countries, telling a little bit of the story of what was happening in the world. Firstly, we imported as many of the old Victoria flavour events as we could. However, we felt that this was not going to be enough on its own.

victoria 2 historical flavor mod

Essentially, each country should be different.

victoria 2 historical flavor mod

Even two countries of identical size will have different POP compositions and produce different goods, etc. We also wanted to set up the mechanics in such a way that historical choices were logical to you, even though with hindsight they weren’t always.Īlso, consider the scenario set-ups themselves each country is different. We want to put constraints on your actions that matched those that countries in the period felt. How to make you feel you are steering a country through the 19th century? Now, a lot of this is done via game mechanics. The biggest question we have is how to make the game come alive.

Victoria 2 historical flavor mod